Condition:Vakar, 16.maijā, ES mājā ar svinīgu pasākumu Latvijā tika atklāta starptautiskā Google digitālās izglītības programma “Esi interneta izcilnieks!” (Be Internet Awesome), kas tiek īstenota ar un organizācijas School with Class atbalstu. Latvijas Drošāka interneta centrs ( ieviesīs šo programmu 3 .
Accessories: Dust Bag
Measurements: Handle Drop 97. Height 89. Width 6. Depth 14
Designer: Bottega Veneta
Model: chanel quote on acces
Exterior Material: Leather
Exterior Color: RGB:234,153,171
Interior Material: Leather
Interior Color: RGB:248,217,254
Item Number: Z12487
User reviews: Lilla Lane is a Bali based fashion brand established In 2001 by Thora Moss. Her signature touch is reflected in each handbag and shoe design produced in her atelier with her skilled team of Balinese and Javanese craftspeople.
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